Victor, K., Hellwig, F. (2020) Das Herbarium Haussknecht zur Zeit der Kolonialisierung – eine Spurensuche - Heimat Thüringen 27.1: 18-19.
Hellwig, F. (2020) Gärten des Bauhauses? In: H.-P. Klöcking (Hg.), Bauen-Wohnen-Leben - 10. Symposium Mensch-Umwelt. Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. Acta Academiae Scientiarum 19: 9-30.
Karbstein, K., Prinz, K., Hellwig, F., Römermann, C. (2020). Plant intraspecific functional trait variation is related to within-habitat heterogeneity and genetic diversity in Trifolium montanum L. Ecology and Evolution, 10, 5015-5033.
Houehanou, T.D., Prinz, K., Hellwig, F., Assogbadjo, A.E., Glele Kakai, R.L., Sinsin, B. (2019) Morphological trait variation and relationships of Afzelia africana Sm. caused by climatic conditions and anthropogenic disturbance in Benin (West Africa) - Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 66:1091–1105
Houehanou, T. D., Prinz, K., Hellwig, F. (2019) Characterization of 15 nuclear microsatellite markers for Afzelia africana (Fabaceae) and related species. Applications in Plant Sciences 7(5): e1249.
Hellwig, F. (2019) Die dunkle Seite der Botanik - Vergiftungen durch Pflanzen in Haus und Garten. In: H.-P. Klöcking (Hg.), Gifte in Lebensmitteln - 15. Symposium Mensch-Umwelt. Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. Acta Academiae Scientiarum 17: 85-11.
Casper, S. J., Hellwig, F. (2019) The portrait of Pinguicula involuta Ruiz & Pavon in the "Flora Peruviana": A botanic detective story - Carnivorous Plant Newsletters 48.3: 122-127.
Victor, K., Hellwig, F. (2018) The botanist Carl Haussknecht (1838-1903) in the Ottoman Empire and Persia (1865 and 1866-1869): a biographical sketch and itinerary of his expeditions. In: J. Asceric-Todd, S. Knees, J. Starkey, P. Starkey (Eds.) Travellers in Ottoman Lands: The Botanical Legacy. Archaeopress Publ. Ltd., Oxford 2018: 147-158.
Ahoyo, C. C., Houehanou, T. D., Yaoitcha, A. S., Prinz, K., Assogbadjo, A. E., Adjahossou, C. S. G., Hellwig, F., Houinato, M. R. B. (2017) A quantitative ethnobotanical approach toward biodiversity conservation of useful woody species in Wari-Maro forest reserve (Benin, West Africa) - Environment, Development and Sustainability 20: 2301-2320. DOI 10.1007/s10668-017-9990-0Externer Link
Hellwig F. (2016) Heimat denken – ein biologischer Streifzug. In: E. Costadura, K. Ries (Hg.): Heimat gestern und heute. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Histoire Bd. 91: 81-106. Transcript-Verlag Bielefeld
Hellwig, F., Manitz, H. (2014) In memoriam Friedrich Karl Meyer - Haussknechtia 13: 5-12.
Bog, M., Schneider, P., Hellwig, F., Sachse, S., Kochieva, E.Z., Martyrosian, E., Landolt, E., Appenroth, K. (2013) Genetic characterization and barcoding of taxa in the genus Wolffia Horkel ex Schleid. (Lemnaceae) as revealed by two plastidic markers and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) - Planta 23: 1-13.
Hellwig, F., Hellwig, M. (2012) Pflanzenreste aus den Sarkophagen Kaiserin Richenzas und Herzog Heinrichs des Stolzen. In: T. Henkel (Hg.) “Nicht Ruh’ im Grabe ließ man euch …”: 89-95. Appelhans Verlag, Braunschweig. ISBN 978-3-941737-81-5.
Hellwig, F. (2011) Carl Haussknecht (1838-1903) - Forschungsreisender und Gründer des Herbarium Haussknecht. In: I. Kästner, J. Kiefer (Hrsg.) Botanische Gärten und botanische Forschungsreisen: 393-412. Shaker Verlag, Aachen.
Hellwig, F. (2010) Das entdeckte Geheimnis der Natur - von Bienen und Blumen. Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwisenschaftlichen Klasse 14: 25-46.
Odat, N., Hellwig, F., Jetschke, G., Fischer, M. (2010) On the relationship between plant species diversity and genetic diversity of Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae) within and between grassland communities. Journal of Plant Ecology 3: 41-48.
Reinhardt, S. , Ewald, A., Hellwig, F. (2008) The correlation between ovule quality parameters and the seed yield at Cyclamen persicum Mill. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 82: 76-82.
Baumbach, H., Hellwig, F. (2007) Genetic differentiation of metallicolous and non-metallicolous Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. taxa (Plumbaginaceae) in Central Europe. Plant Systematics and Evolution 269: 245-258.
Hellwig, F. (2007) Calyceraceae. In: Kadereit, J. W., Jeffrey, C. (eds.) Kubitzki, K.: The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Vol. VIII, 19-25.
Hentschel, J., Feldberg, K., Zündorf, H.-J., Hellwig, F., Schneider, H., Heinrichs, J. (2007) The systematic position of Pachyglossa and Clasmatocolea (Jungermanniopsida: Lophocoleaceae) inferred from nrDNA ITS sequences and morphology. Taxon 56: 1136-1142.
Reinhardt, S., Ewald, A., Hellwig, F. (2007) The anatomy of the stigma and style from Cyclamen persicum (Mill.) cv. “Pure White” and its relation to pollination success. Plant Biology 9: 158-162.
Ritz, C. M., Martins, L., Mecklenburg, R., Goremykin, V., Hellwig, F. (2007) The molecular phylogeny of Rebutia (Cactaceae) and its allies demonstrates the influence of paleogeography on the evolution of South American mountain cacti. American Journal of Botany 94: 1321-1332.
Wissemann, V., Baumbach, H., Müller, S., Venus, Y., Hellwig, F. (2007) Small scale analysis of population structure in the woody cornelian cherry Cornus mas L. (Cornaceae) by AFLP accentuates the need for a population based conservation strategy. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 81: 175-177.
Degtjareva, G., Casper, J. S., Hellwig, F., Schmidt, A. R., Steiger, J., Sokoloff, D. D. (2006) Morphology and nrITS phylogeny of the genus Pinguicula L. (Lentibulariaceae), with special attention to embryo evolution. Plant Biology 8: 778-790.
Goremykin, V. V., Hellwig, F. (2006) A new test of phylogenetic model fitness addresses the issue of the basal angiosperm phylogeny. Gene 381: 81-91.
Hellwig, F. (2006) Crataegus L.. In: H.-J. Zündorf, K.-F. Günther, H. Korsch, W. Westhus (Hrsg.) Flora von Thüringen. Weissdorn-Verlag Jena: 184-185.
Hentschel, J., Zündorf, H.-J., Hellwig, F., Schäfer-Verwimp, A., Heinrichs, J. (2006) Taxonomic studies in Chiloscyphus Corda (Jungermanniales: Lophocoleaceae) based on nrITS sequences and morphology. Plant Systematics and Evolution 262: 125-137.
Wagenitz, G., Hellwig, F., Parolly, G., Martins, L. (2006) Two new species of the genus Centaurea (Compositae, Cardueae) from Turkey. Willdenowia 36: 423-435.
Goremykin, V. V., Hellwig, F. (2005) Evidence for the most basal split in land plants dividing bryophyte and tracheophyte lineages. Plant Systematics and Evolution 254: 93-103.
Martins, L., Hellwig, F. (2005) Phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic species Serratula chinensis and Serratula forrestii (Asteraceae - Cardueae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 255: 215-224.
Martins, L., Hellwig, F. (2005) Systematic position of the genera Serratula and Klasea within Centaureinae (Cardueae, Asteraceae) inferred from ETS and ITS sequence data and new combinations in Klasea. Taxon 54: 632-638.
Goremykin, V., Hirsch-Ernst, K. I., Wölfl, S., Hellwig, F. (2004) The chloroplast genome of Nymphaea alba: Whole-genome analyses and the problem of identifying the most basal angiosperm. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21: 1445-1454.
Hellwig, F. (2004) Centaureinae (Asteraceae) in the Mediterranean - history of ecogeographical radiation. Plant Systematics and Evolution 246: 137-162.
Hellwig, F., Manitz, H. (2004) Tagung zum Leben und Wirken von M. Goldschmidt auf Point Alpha bei Geisa in der Rhön am 15. November 2003. Haussknechtia 10: 403.
Baumbach, H., Hellwig, F. (2003) Genetic variation within and among metal-tolerant and non-tolerant populations of Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. s.l. (Plumbaginaceae) in Central and Northeast Germany - Plant Biology 5: 186-193.
Goremykin, V., Hirsch-Ernst, K. I., Wölfl, S., Hellwig, F. (2003) The chloroplast genome of the “basal” angiosperm Calycanthus fertilis - structural and phylogenetic analyses - Plant Systematics and Evolution 242: 119-135.
Goremykin, V., Hirsch-Ernst, K. I., Wölfl, S., Hellwig, F. (2003) Analysis of the Amborella trichopoda chloroplast genome sequence suggests that Amborella is not a basal angiosperm - Molecular Biology and Evolution 20: 1499-1505.
Hellwig, F. (2003) Heterothalamus wagenitzii (Compositae, Astereae), a new species from Brazil - Haussknechtia 9: 135-139.
Martins, L., Oberprieler, C., Hellwig, F. (2003) A phylogenetic analysis of Primulaceae s.l. based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA sequence data - Plant Systematics and Evolution 237: 75-85.
Ritz, C. M., Zimmermann, N. F. A., Hellwig, F. (2003) Phylogeny of subsect. Meleuphorbia (A. Berger) Pax & Hoffm. (Euphorbia L.) reflects the climatic regime in South Africa - Plant Systematics and Evolution 241: 245-259.
Krüger, A. M., Hellwig, F., Oberprieler, C. (2002) Genetic diversity in natural and anthropogenic inland populations of salt-tolerant plants: random amplified polymorphic DNA analyses of Aster tripolium L. (Compositae) and Salicornia ramosissima Woods (Chenopodiaceae) - Molecular Ecology 11: 1647-1655.
Greuter, W., Wagenitz, G., Agababian, M., Hellwig, F. (2001) Proposal to conserve the name Centaurea (Compositae) with a reserved type - Taxon 50: 1201-1205.
Wissemann, V., Hellwig, F., Schroeder, F. G., Wagenitz, G. (2001) A rose is a rose is a rose? - German Research 2-3/2001: 38-41.
Hellwig, F. (2000) Ist die Flaumeiche in Thüringen noch zu retten? - Genetische Diversität und introgressive Hybridisierung - Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 32: 157-165.
Wagenitz, G., Hellwig, F. (2000) The genus Psephellus Cass. (Compositae, Cardueae) revisited with a broadened concept - Willdenowia 30: 29-44.
Häffner, E., Hellwig, F. (1999) Phylogeny of the tribe Cardueae (Compositae) with emphasis on the subtribe Carduinae: an analysis based on ITS sequence data - Willdenowia 29: 27-39
Hellwig, F., Nolte, M., Ochsmann, J., Wissemann, V. (1999) Rapid isolation of total cell DNA from milligram plant tissue - Haussknechtia 7: 29-34.
Hellwig, F. (1999) Die Bedeutung von Inseln für die Evolution der Pflanzen. In: B. M. Möseler, B. M., Molenda, R. (eds.) Lebensraum Blockhalde - Decheniana, Beih. 37: 101-104.
Wissemann, V., Möllers, C., Hellwig, F. (1998) Microspore culture in the genus Rosa, further investigations - Angewandte Botanik 72: 7-9.
Meyer, K., Hellwig, F. (1997) Annual cycle of starch content in rhizomes of the forest geophytes Anemone nemorosa and Aegopodium podagraria - Flora 192: 335-339.
Wissemann, V., Hellwig, F. (1997) Ist die Pollenqualität in der Gattung Rosa Sektion Caninae Indikator für eine hybridogene Entstehung dieser Sektion? - Acta Rhodologica 1/98: 43-50.
Wissemann, V., Hellwig, F. (1997) Reproduction and hybridisation in the genus Rosa section Caninae (Ser.) Rehd. - Botanica Acta 110: 251-256.
1996 – bis jetzt Professor für Spezielle Botanik (C4) an der Friedrich-Schiller‐ Universität Jena Institutsdirektor und Vertretung des Lehstuhls für Spezielle Botanik, Institut für Spezielle Botanik mit Herbarium Haussknecht und Botanischem Garten der Friedrich‐Schiller‐ Universität Jena
1996 Habilitation für Botanik an der Georg‐August‐Universität Göttin- gen, Prof. Dr. G. Wagenitz
1993 –1996 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Pflanzensystema- tik und Geobotanik der Georg‐August‐Universität Göttingen
1993 Gastwissenschaftler an der University of Texas at Austin, Prof. R. K. Jansen
1990 –1993 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Pflanzensyste- matik und Geobotanik der Georg‐August‐Universität Göttingen
1990 Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. (Botanik) an der Ludwig‐ Maximilians‐ Universität München, Prof. Dr. J. Grau
1978 – 1984 Studium der Biologie (Diplom) in Göttingen und Valparaíso